Jack & Mommy

Jack is 3. His mom is 20-something. Jack says funny things. His mom types them here for you to enjoy.
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Sunday, June 23, 2013

postheadericon Meals can be fun.

While at the dinner table at Grandma & Grandpa's house-

M: "Jackson, get back up here and eat your supper."
J: "No mom! It's not going to fly away!"

Trying to figure out what's for breakfast-

J: "Mom, I want a coooookie for breakfast."
M: "No, no cookies. How about cereal?"
J: "NO. I want a coooookie!"
D: "What about some turkey bacon?"
D: "How about nothing for breakfast?"
J (obviously frustrated): "No. I want --- stop saying--- STOP SAYING WORDS TO ME!"

....He finally decided bacon (and eggs) was the answer.


Unknown said...

STOP SAYING WORDS TO ME is my new mantra.