Jack & Mommy

Jack is 3. His mom is 20-something. Jack says funny things. His mom types them here for you to enjoy.
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Thursday, September 19, 2013

postheadericon So random.

While eating spaghetti and garlic bread:

J: "Mom, will you come get dis bug dat's flying by me?"
M: "Yeah, where is it?"
J: "Oh, I think it flied away."
M: "I think he wants to eat your supper."
J: "Noooo. Bugs don't like supper."

Dang, I wish that was true.

While eating a Swiss Cake Roll:

J: "Mom, I like dees marshmallows in here."
M: "Me too!"
J: "Mom, I wanna go camping."
M: "What? Why?"
J: "So dat we can eat marshmallows, wif da fire."

.....a few minutes later...

J: "okay mom, I won't kill you."
M: "WHAT?!"
J: "I said I won't kill you."
M: "um... okay. Thanks."

In other news, today is my and D's 4th wedding anniversary. Weird. What happened to all that time?
Monday, September 2, 2013

postheadericon Long weekend away.

Jack is spending the weekend with his Grandma & Grandpa and we just talked to him on the phone for a minute.

M: "Hey babe! What are you doing?"
J: "Nuffin, just hanging out wif Grandma and Grandpa."
M: "Oh, that sounds like fun."
J: "I want to hold you." (Which is J speak for "I want you to hold me")
M: "Aw baby, I'll see you tomorrow!"
J: "Yeah, you can't hold me when you're in Cweeve-land."

As soon as we got home from picking him up:

J: "Oh, I gotta ooz (use) da potty!"
M: "Okay, hurry and go."
He runs in the bathroom but I don't hear him moving his potty chair onto the toilet.
M: "Jack, what are you doing?"
J: "WHAT?"
M: "What are you doing???"
J: "Pooping in my pants!"