Thursday, September 19, 2013

postheadericon So random.

While eating spaghetti and garlic bread:

J: "Mom, will you come get dis bug dat's flying by me?"
M: "Yeah, where is it?"
J: "Oh, I think it flied away."
M: "I think he wants to eat your supper."
J: "Noooo. Bugs don't like supper."

Dang, I wish that was true.

While eating a Swiss Cake Roll:

J: "Mom, I like dees marshmallows in here."
M: "Me too!"
J: "Mom, I wanna go camping."
M: "What? Why?"
J: "So dat we can eat marshmallows, wif da fire."

.....a few minutes later...

J: "okay mom, I won't kill you."
M: "WHAT?!"
J: "I said I won't kill you."
M: "um... okay. Thanks."

In other news, today is my and D's 4th wedding anniversary. Weird. What happened to all that time?
Monday, September 2, 2013

postheadericon Long weekend away.

Jack is spending the weekend with his Grandma & Grandpa and we just talked to him on the phone for a minute.

M: "Hey babe! What are you doing?"
J: "Nuffin, just hanging out wif Grandma and Grandpa."
M: "Oh, that sounds like fun."
J: "I want to hold you." (Which is J speak for "I want you to hold me")
M: "Aw baby, I'll see you tomorrow!"
J: "Yeah, you can't hold me when you're in Cweeve-land."

As soon as we got home from picking him up:

J: "Oh, I gotta ooz (use) da potty!"
M: "Okay, hurry and go."
He runs in the bathroom but I don't hear him moving his potty chair onto the toilet.
M: "Jack, what are you doing?"
J: "WHAT?"
M: "What are you doing???"
J: "Pooping in my pants!"

Monday, August 19, 2013

postheadericon Just a little bedtime snack.

J: "I'm gonna eat.... a.... book!"
M: "okay."
J: "and den I'm gonna eat... a... bed!"
M: "alright."
J: "and den I'm gonna eat... da cats!"
M: "sure."
J: "and den I'm gonna eat.... a.... DADDY!"
M: "You're gonna eat your daddy?"
J: "No, not MY daddy. Someone else's daddy."
M: "Oh thank goodness."
Saturday, August 10, 2013

postheadericon Facts.

J: "Mommy, I'm gonna put a butt-..."
M: "..."
J: "Mommy, I'm gon' put a button in your eye..."
M: "You're gonna put a button in my eye??"
J: "Yeah, I'm gon' put a... BELLY BUTTON in your eye!"
M: "That doesn't even make sense."
J: "Yes it DOES make sauce!"

Okay then.

After I told Dad to start folding some laundry while I start another load:

J: "Mommy tells Daddy what to do. Mommy AND Daddy tell Jack what to do. Nobody tells Mommy what to do."

It's about time SOMEONE realized this fact of life.
Saturday, August 3, 2013

postheadericon Saturday loveliness.

When one of the cats laid down near him with her butthole on full display:
"No kitty, I don't wanna see your butt. It gots a lot of poops in it."

He came up with a really awkward little song today:
"Tinkerbell, Tinkerbell on our way, to help a baby chicken and... HIT HIM ON DA KNEE!"

It was vaguely to the tune of The Wonder Pets theme song:

But I'm not sure the Wonder Pets advocate violence against chicken knees.
Friday, August 2, 2013

postheadericon Highlights from this week

I was watching this video on YouTube:

And Jack says, "Oh what are doze girls doing?"
M: "What does it look like they're doing?"
J: "I think dey're throwing lots of stuff in da fire."
M: "Yeah."
J: "Like books and stuff."
M: "Mhmm"
J: "I don't wanna throw MY books in da fire.......... den they will get fire on dem!"

Today, Dad got to daycare before I did, so he went in and picked up J. There's a girl named Molly who is supper attached to J. She's probably 5 or 6 and is seriously awkward with him. She always talks about how cute he is and says things like "your son is so adorable".

So Molly told D and she calls J "Jacksie" because "he has touched my heart." WHAT!? This chick is like, 5 years old.

And as I was asking D to recount the story again so I could blog Jack heard us talking and said:
"NO! Dat's my best friend. She says I'm so cute."

I'm about to get all protective mom on a small child in a minute.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

postheadericon He's on a roll today.

After playing outside with his new water table for 3 minutes:
J: "Daddy, can you dry me off?"
D: "Yeah, but what's wet?"
J: "My self is wet"
(None of his self was wet.)

Upon seeing a sprinkler in someone's front yard:
"Woah! It's tickling their car!"

On the subject of Red Robin and it's deliciousness:
"No mom, only Steak & Shake is delicious."

Today was water day at school. Every once in a while, during Summer, they turn on the sprinklers at school and let the kids run around. Well, Jack was apparently in line to change clothes, his teacher turned around for a minute and when she turned back around to help him into his swimsuit, he had run to the other side of the room, stripped off all of his clothes and started coloring all over himself with markers. I asked him about it and he said, "yeah, one of my friends said I'm naked." And now my child is the "Naked Kid" at daycare. Good times.

He's my silly little nerd.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

postheadericon The cuteness is strong with this one

On the topic of Cedar Point:
Grandma: "I haven't been there in probably more than 10 years."
Dad: "Yeah, me too."
Jack: "I haven't been der' in 16 years."

While taking a bath, me sitting in the living room (like, 15 feet away, don't spaz):
J: "MOMMY, I NEED BUBBLES!" (I forgot to put bubble bath in)
M: "No baby, just finish up your bath so we can get ready for bed."

Saturday, July 13, 2013

postheadericon Some randoms from this week.

Something Dad's been waiting to hear his whole life:
"Daddy, teach me how to do it!"

On the subject of personal space:
"Mommy, dat's not nice. You don't take off somebody's socks!"

From Dad's POV when I went to the grocery store tonight before bedtime:
J: "Hey Daddy, where's Mom?"
D: "Remember, Mom went to the grocery store. She told you before you got in the bath."
J: <giant shrug> "Well, how am I supposed to tell her good night?!"
D: "That's why she told you she was going to the store."
J: "... oh well. Let's put on jammies."

Also, my dude is 3 years old as of yesterday. I can't believe it. This has been the craziest roller coaster ride ever.

Monday, July 1, 2013

postheadericon Why can't it all be simple?

M: "Okay, let's brush your teeth, sweetheart."
M: "Nooooo! I said 'sweetheart'!"
J: "OH! I taught you called me a Poptart!"
M: "Why would I call you a Poptart?!"
J: "hahaha! You're silly, mommy!"

After school today, Big J's teacher informed us that he was repeatedly caught pushing other kids down and laying on them. He even gave his "best friend" a boo-boo. Supposedly his friend pushed him, so J pushed him back, knocking friend to the ground and giving him an owie. We're not sure what sparked the initial push, so no one knows whose fault it actually was. But my kid took it to the max and started strong-arming everyone else. So, that's great.

Freakin' Poptart.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

postheadericon ...then he farted and high-fived his dad. Not really.

I was in the kitchen, putting dinner together. J and D were in the living room watching cartoons on Netflix. I came out and did a little dance to the theme song of some show.

J: "NO MOM! Don't dance!"
M: "But I like to dance." ::dances more:
J: "No mom. I don't like you dancing."
M: "You're like that preacher from Foot Loose. Lighten up kid." ::dances more::
J: "Mom, go back to da kitchen. Dis is not your room!"

Who is teaching my child to be a sexist little jerk?

Sunday, June 23, 2013

postheadericon Meals can be fun.

While at the dinner table at Grandma & Grandpa's house-

M: "Jackson, get back up here and eat your supper."
J: "No mom! It's not going to fly away!"

Trying to figure out what's for breakfast-

J: "Mom, I want a coooookie for breakfast."
M: "No, no cookies. How about cereal?"
J: "NO. I want a coooookie!"
D: "What about some turkey bacon?"
D: "How about nothing for breakfast?"
J (obviously frustrated): "No. I want --- stop saying--- STOP SAYING WORDS TO ME!"

....He finally decided bacon (and eggs) was the answer.
Saturday, June 1, 2013

postheadericon Just a normal day.

J: "Hey dad, what do polar bears like to do?"
D: "Polar bears like to swim and play in the snow."
M: "Yep, polar bears like to live where it's really cold and snowy."
J: "Yep."
M: "Where do you like to live?"
J: "I like to live in Cweeveland!"
M: "heh... me too."

J: "Dad, you have a gorilla butt!"
D: "Hey, that's not nice."
J: "....... You have a good butt."

And now he's blowing super loud, sloppy raspberries on Dad's back.
Friday, May 24, 2013

postheadericon Fabulous

This morning while getting ready for the day...

M: "Jack, it's time to brush our teeth."
J: "But mom, I just have to dance!"

After tonight's bath, he runs out of the bathroom...


Followed shortly by...

"Daddy, smell my teef!"

Saturday, May 18, 2013

postheadericon Mr Independent.

This just happened this morning. Big Jack came into our bedroom and crawled up on the bed beside me and asked me to put his socks on. His feet were freezing, so I thought that was pretty smart of him. Nope.

Jack: "Okay mom, now I will get my shoes!"
Mom: "What? It's 7 o'clock, babe. Mommy and daddy are still sleeping. Just go play with your toys."
J: "Nope. I'm going outside."
M: "Jackson, if you go outside, you'll be in big trouble."

This did not go over well with Mr Independent.

M: "Wow. Okay. Don't go outside."

He started to leave our room and close the door.

M: "Leave that door open."
J: "NO. You close your eyes and go to sleep."
Dad: "Jackson, be nice."

So now I'm wide awake thinking he'll figure out how to make it outside. I walk into the living room to this:

J: "You go back to bed, Mom. I'm going outside."
M: "No sir, you're not. Let's make breakfast."
J: "NO!"

M: "Let's make some breakfast and wait for Daddy to wake up, then we'll get ready and go to the playground. Okay?"
J: "hmm.... okay! Dat's BERRY SMART! <he gave me a thumbs up too>"

Now he's eating scrambled eggs and watching Chuck & Friends on Netflix. And now we have a plan for the day. Hooray!

Monday, May 6, 2013

postheadericon Randoms

"Hey Mom... kitten has ears."
"Yes she does. Do you have ears?"
::checks his ears:: "Hmm... yep! Do you have ears too, mom?"
::check my ears:: "Yep!"
"Does my dad have ears?"
"I think so."
"Oh. Does Peet (Dad's friend) have ears?"
"WOW. Dat's a lot of ears!"

While eating crackers:
"Mom, did a crumb just jump right outta my mouf?"
Saturday, May 4, 2013

postheadericon Cleveland Zoo Follies

On Wolves:
"Wolfs are like big dogs. But dey're not dogs. Dey're wolfs."

On Gorillas:
"He gots a big hairy butt!"

Yes he does.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

postheadericon Random silliness.

He might grow up to be a zoologist
"Mommy, what does a jaguar say?"
"I don't know baby, what?"
"Mommy I want Goldfish!"
"WHAT! Is that what a jaguar says?!"
"haha.... nooooooo."

...Or maybe a fashion designer:
"Hey Jack, do you like this shirt?"
"ummm.... yes. You could wear a purple shirt too!"
"You think I should wear a purple shirt?"
<I go change into a purple shirt>
"Is this better?"
"Um.... yes!"

...But probably not an entomologist:
"Mommy, look at all doze ants!"
"I see them! Do you want to hold one?"
"NOOOO! Dey are soooo cweepy!"

Can't argue there.
Thursday, April 25, 2013

postheadericon He's a genius.

Jack: "Meowww"
Dan: "Jackson, don't meow. You're not a cat. What do you want?"
Jack: "I want to hold you! ...... meow" (translation: "I want you to hold me")
Dan: "Stop meowing. What do you say?"
Jack, clearly defeated: "Okay I won't meow. I am not a kitty."

Wisest words of the day:
Saturday, April 20, 2013

postheadericon No, it's not!

Jackie Dude is big on correcting us. I guess he doesn't realize that I've been around for a while and know a few things. I remember being a teenager and thinking I knew everything. This dude is only 2. The teenage years should be loads of fun. Hah!

"Hey mom, look at deez hooks!"
"Those hooks are called 'question marks'."
<Insert angry eyebrows> "NO MOM! Dey're not 'question marks'. Dey're hooks!"
"Oh. Okay then."

A few minutes later...

"Mommy, what are doze hooks called?"
"Question marks, baby."
<Insert quizzical look>
"Okay, so you know how you can write your name?"
"...I dunno."
"Um. Okay, so you can write your name. But you can also write all kinds of stuff. If you write down a question, you put a question mark at the end."
<More quizzical looks> "Hmm.... ooohhhhh. ....... MOMMY! IT'S SNOWIN OUTSIDE!"
"Heh... yes it is."
Friday, April 19, 2013

postheadericon Remember when...?

Big J likes to reminisce on the good old days.

"Hey daddy. Remember when you went to the DMV?" (Two weeks ago, Dad went to the DMV to renew his license.)
"Remember when we went to Steak & Shake?" (Yep, that was literally an hour ago.)
"MOMMY! Remember when I puked at school?" (Yes, and I'm glad I wasn't there to see it.)
"Remember when my gramma and grampa picked me up from school?" (Dad's parents... more than 3 months ago)

I hope he always wants to "remember when".
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

postheadericon Of Teamwork and Trash

After I made fun of a McDonald's drive-thru sign advertising that future employees could look forward to great incentives like PART TIME! BENEFITS! CAREERS! TEAMWORK!:

"No mommy, teamwork is only for da Wonder Pets."

Oh yeah... I forgot only Lenny, Tuck, and Ming-Ming can partake in teamwork. My bad.

On the topic of Trash Day:

"Da garbage trucks will come and take allllll da people's trash to da dump. And den when da trash is all done at da dump, da garbage trucks will bring it back to our house!"
"No, babe. The trash stays at the dump."
"Oooohhhh yeah, we don't want dat stanky trash back at our house."
"No. No we do not."

Monday, April 15, 2013

postheadericon Tough guy / Funny baby

"Come at me, bro! Let's fight!" (He then proceeds to slapfight with his dad)

I found this old school video of Jack being his goofy, happy self.

Friday, April 12, 2013

postheadericon Let's play catch-up to get you all up to speed.

April 4, 2013

"Hey daddy! I farted on mommy!"

April 6, 2013

"Hey Jack, whatcha doing?"
"Playin' wif Mister Potato Chips' teef!"

April 9, 2013

Jack: "Hey mom, what color is dis race car?"
Mom: "Silver"
Jack: "Yep! What color is daddy's red race car?"
Mom: "Um... red?"
Jack: "Yep! You're super smart!"
Mom: "Oh, thanks!"


(Referring to his sweatshirt that has a moose on it): "Mommy, a moose is NOT a cow, okay!?"
(Later while watching "his" Canadian geese that hang out near his school): "Watch out gooses! You will get squished by a cool race car!"