Jack & Mommy

Jack is 3. His mom is 20-something. Jack says funny things. His mom types them here for you to enjoy.
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Monday, August 19, 2013

postheadericon Just a little bedtime snack.

J: "I'm gonna eat.... a.... book!"
M: "okay."
J: "and den I'm gonna eat... a... bed!"
M: "alright."
J: "and den I'm gonna eat... da cats!"
M: "sure."
J: "and den I'm gonna eat.... a.... DADDY!"
M: "You're gonna eat your daddy?"
J: "No, not MY daddy. Someone else's daddy."
M: "Oh thank goodness."
Saturday, August 10, 2013

postheadericon Facts.

J: "Mommy, I'm gonna put a butt-..."
M: "..."
J: "Mommy, I'm gon' put a button in your eye..."
M: "You're gonna put a button in my eye??"
J: "Yeah, I'm gon' put a... BELLY BUTTON in your eye!"
M: "That doesn't even make sense."
J: "Yes it DOES make sauce!"

Okay then.

After I told Dad to start folding some laundry while I start another load:

J: "Mommy tells Daddy what to do. Mommy AND Daddy tell Jack what to do. Nobody tells Mommy what to do."

It's about time SOMEONE realized this fact of life.
Saturday, August 3, 2013

postheadericon Saturday loveliness.

When one of the cats laid down near him with her butthole on full display:
"No kitty, I don't wanna see your butt. It gots a lot of poops in it."

He came up with a really awkward little song today:
"Tinkerbell, Tinkerbell on our way, to help a baby chicken and... HIT HIM ON DA KNEE!"

It was vaguely to the tune of The Wonder Pets theme song:

But I'm not sure the Wonder Pets advocate violence against chicken knees.
Friday, August 2, 2013

postheadericon Highlights from this week

I was watching this video on YouTube:

And Jack says, "Oh what are doze girls doing?"
M: "What does it look like they're doing?"
J: "I think dey're throwing lots of stuff in da fire."
M: "Yeah."
J: "Like books and stuff."
M: "Mhmm"
J: "I don't wanna throw MY books in da fire.......... den they will get fire on dem!"

Today, Dad got to daycare before I did, so he went in and picked up J. There's a girl named Molly who is supper attached to J. She's probably 5 or 6 and is seriously awkward with him. She always talks about how cute he is and says things like "your son is so adorable".

So Molly told D and she calls J "Jacksie" because "he has touched my heart." WHAT!? This chick is like, 5 years old.

And as I was asking D to recount the story again so I could blog Jack heard us talking and said:
"NO! Dat's my best friend. She says I'm so cute."

I'm about to get all protective mom on a small child in a minute.