Jack & Mommy

Jack is 3. His mom is 20-something. Jack says funny things. His mom types them here for you to enjoy.
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Saturday, August 10, 2013

postheadericon Facts.

J: "Mommy, I'm gonna put a butt-..."
M: "..."
J: "Mommy, I'm gon' put a button in your eye..."
M: "You're gonna put a button in my eye??"
J: "Yeah, I'm gon' put a... BELLY BUTTON in your eye!"
M: "That doesn't even make sense."
J: "Yes it DOES make sauce!"

Okay then.

After I told Dad to start folding some laundry while I start another load:

J: "Mommy tells Daddy what to do. Mommy AND Daddy tell Jack what to do. Nobody tells Mommy what to do."

It's about time SOMEONE realized this fact of life.