Jack & Mommy

Jack is 3. His mom is 20-something. Jack says funny things. His mom types them here for you to enjoy.
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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

postheadericon Of Teamwork and Trash

After I made fun of a McDonald's drive-thru sign advertising that future employees could look forward to great incentives like PART TIME! BENEFITS! CAREERS! TEAMWORK!:

"No mommy, teamwork is only for da Wonder Pets."

Oh yeah... I forgot only Lenny, Tuck, and Ming-Ming can partake in teamwork. My bad.

On the topic of Trash Day:

"Da garbage trucks will come and take allllll da people's trash to da dump. And den when da trash is all done at da dump, da garbage trucks will bring it back to our house!"
"No, babe. The trash stays at the dump."
"Oooohhhh yeah, we don't want dat stanky trash back at our house."
"No. No we do not."