Jack & Mommy

Jack is 3. His mom is 20-something. Jack says funny things. His mom types them here for you to enjoy.
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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

postheadericon Random silliness.

He might grow up to be a zoologist
"Mommy, what does a jaguar say?"
"I don't know baby, what?"
"Mommy I want Goldfish!"
"WHAT! Is that what a jaguar says?!"
"haha.... nooooooo."

...Or maybe a fashion designer:
"Hey Jack, do you like this shirt?"
"ummm.... yes. You could wear a purple shirt too!"
"You think I should wear a purple shirt?"
<I go change into a purple shirt>
"Is this better?"
"Um.... yes!"

...But probably not an entomologist:
"Mommy, look at all doze ants!"
"I see them! Do you want to hold one?"
"NOOOO! Dey are soooo cweepy!"

Can't argue there.